
from $18.00

The Volume Series is an idea we conceptualized from the beginning of our company, and is meant to be the most dependable, approachable, and delicious cup of coffee you'll want to drink every single day.
Volume is a coffee meant for the masses; boasting a full body, rich chocolate tones, faint fruit, and a clean sweetness.
Brew it in a pour-over, french press, coffee pot, anything! It's a very versatile coffee across a wide spectrum of brewing devices, and always performs great.

The reason why Volume is constantly updating numerically is to reflect of our efforts and commitment to keeping the green coffees that comprise Volume as fresh as possible.

Here’s an inside peek:
As coffee growing regions spanning across the globe harvest their coffees at differing times and seasons throughout the year, the “freshest possible” coffee will always be a moving target; once new regions become available with their most recent harvests, that’s what we want in our program and into your mugs.

As a result, we will always be consistently updating Volume with new coffees as they become available. Every time the number updates, you can know that a new region(s) has become available stateside and now is making up a portion of the blend.

For Volume #2.4 we've brought in a washed Colombian with a honey processed Colombian to create a cup of smooth chocolate, almond, and berry.

Country : Colombia / Colombia
Region : Narino
Processing Method : Washed / Honey
Cultivars : Caturra

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